What is your X? Become Part of the Equation

We hope you will join Solve For X. Here are four ways to engage:

What is your X?

Create a profile and declare your “X” --- what are you passionate about solving for in your community? In your life? In the world? What do you want to be part of solving, changing or improving?

Watch and Share Moonshots:

Hear about radical solutions for global-scale problems and the breakthrough technology that makes these solutions possible. We also invite you to expand our community and share these Moonshots with people you think could help or would find them interesting.

Rate and Discuss Moonshots:

Give thoughtful input and evaluation of Moonshots. This is essential for entrepreneurs and the broader innovation community.

Submit Moonshot Recommendations:

If you have seen or given a talk that you think matches the Solve For X criteria, submit it here!

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